Did Texas law enforcement resolve well the synagogue standoff?

Law enforcement officers shot dead the terrorist assailant who broke into a Dallas area synagogue and held hostage the Rabbi and others.


Good hostage negotiations. Good shot.


The “brother” was needlessly shot while conducting good faith negotiations.

An individual armed with a pistol entered a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas and held four people hostage, including a rabbi, for more than 10 hours. SWAT teams from the Colleyville Police Department responded first to emergency calls from the incident. Later, the FBI got involved and started negotiating with the hostage-taker.

Initially, one of the hostages was released about 6 hours into the standoff. The remaining three hostages managed to escape the gunman as well after one of them threw a chair at him – no hostages were harmed.

An FBI Hostage Rescue Team stormed the building and the gunman was dead shortly afterward. The cause of death is unclear as the FBI has not yet confirmed it.